Baseball Playview
How do I import plays and practice plans into Baseball Playview on an iPhone or iPad?

save a play or practice plan on your iCloud Drive and open from your iCloud Drive on your iPad or iPhone.
send a play or practice plan by e-mail to your mail account on your iPad or iPhone and copy from your mail app

Save to iCloud Drive
First you have to download and install iCloud for Windows.

Check iCLoud Drive

After the installation check that iCloud Drive activated:
• Go to All programs/All apps - iCloud and open the iCloud app on windows
• Check the iCloud Drive app (iCloud Drive will be visible in File Explorer)

Save to iCLoud Drive

On your computer create a play or practice plan in your Playbook program and choose:
• Save icon
• Select iCloud Drive and press Save

On your iPhone or iPad:
Check iCLoud Drive
• If your iCloud Drive is not available go to your settings menu and choose iCloud to check if the iCloud Drive is On.
• Open your iCloud Drive
• Tab the practice plan or play to open.

Open from iCLoud Drive
From here you have the following options:
• Copy the play or practice plan to Baseball Playview
Or use AirDrop to distribute the practice plan or play to other iPhone or iPad users that have the Baseball Playview app installed

Sent by e-mail

E-mail from playbook
On your computer create a play or practice plan in your Playbook program and choose:
• File
• Send using E-mail
• Send a copy of the plan using E-mail

On your iPhone or iPad:
• Open your mail app
• Open your message containing the practice plan or play
• Tab to open the attachment

Open mail
From here you have the following options:
• Copy the play or practice plan to Baseball Playview
Or use AirDrop to distribute the practice plan or play to other iPhone or iPad users that have the Baseball Playview app installed